Senin, 28 November 2011

hoik-hoik ^^

Lirik Lagu Rossa Hey Ladies Lyrics

I told you not too sure
The mouth is also not a lot of honest men
When venom embittered woman crying
* courtesy of
I told you do not love
If a broken heart who want nolong
Like the sky and the sun no longer united

Hey ladies do not want in say weak
We can also cheat and double
When a woman has destroyed the world in action

Hey ladies now love to use brain
Do not want to lose heart as well as loss of time
When he seduced you remember all lies

Indeed not all men rot
But ladies should remain vigilan
may we all eventually
Getting a sincere love

I told you not too sure
The mouth is also not a lot of honest men
When venom embittered woman cryingggggg.....

3 komentar:

Ghina Desviyanti Ardi mengatakan...

hei kamu ngelanggar hak cipta.
translete2 aja nyanyi orang.
ckckc. :D

azharidini mengatakan...

lgu aaa tu isss????

Thifali Naifah mengatakan...

hahaha, emang bneran ada versi english ny t iss?

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